PGC Blitz
Help us spread the word about signing up for Project Green Challenge!
T.he more students we have participating in #PGC2021, the bigger impact we can make to create a sustainable future for our planet. To help spread the word about PGC, you can download and print a flyer to post in local sustainable businesses, libraries, schools, and anywhere else that serves students interested in sustainability.
Here’s how to do it:
1. Download the flyer below.
2. Print it. Color is best.
3. Take it to a local retailer, school, library, etc. and ask them to put it up on their bulletin board, by the register or in the window.
4. Take a photo of the manager/employee next to the sign and send it to us!
Not sure what to say? Try this:
“Hi, I’m here to talk about Project Green Challenge, a digital environmental challenge for high school and college students happening this October. Can I hang a flyer about the event in your store?”
If they want more information, you can tell them this:
• Project Green Challenge 2021 is the 11th annual PGC run by Turning Green
• Turning Green is a nonprofit organization based in the Bay Area in California, and we connect teens and students with environmental advocacy projects to help inspire the next generation of youth climate activists
• PGC is open to high school and college students around the world
If you can’t make it in person, you can email the flyer and a social media post with the following email content. This example is written for a store, so change it up for a school, library, or other type of organization.
Hi (store name) team! I’m (introduce yourself) and I’m reaching out to let you know about a sustainability challenge for students happening online this October. It’s called Project Green Challenge (PGC) and this year is the 11th annual PGC run by Turning Green, an environmental nonprofit. Because your store focuses on organic and sustainable shopping, I thought that your shoppers might be interested. I would appreciate it if you could help spread the word about PGC 2021 by hanging a flyer in your store! I have a flyer, as well as a social media graphic for you to share, if you’re able. Thank you so much for your time and help! (Your name)
Download the flyer and digital graphic below!