Reflection: My Summer with Turning Green

by | Aug 23, 2021 | Voices

Looking back at my time as an intern at Turning Green, there is one word that keeps coming to mind: life-changing. The passion that the Turning Green team has for their work is inspiring and uplifting, propelling each of us interns to reach our potential. At the beginning of my internship, I was worried that I was in over my head or underqualified, but I soon realized that I had something of value to add to the organization, and that it was my passion to see a healthier planet. Now, at the end of my internship, I learned that I can do anything I set my mind to, and that teamwork, hope, and willingness is what makes the best ideas a reality. 

Where do I begin with my internship experience at Turning Green? Every person, whether they had been at Turning Green for years or were a new intern like myself, was willing to help me any time I needed it. And I realized that each intern had valuable skills and perspective, and that I didn’t have to be an expert at everything. Through this internship, I’ve created impactful campaigns that have come to incredible fruition with the support of the entire Communications team and my fellow interns. They were once little ideas in my head, and now they are full-blown campaigns, out there for the world to see. I feel grateful, excited, and capable. 

The first campaign was PGC Local Blitz to promote Project Green Challenge (PGC) sign-ups for 2021. The premise behind this campaign was in-person outreach. Each intern was asked to bring flyers with information and QR codes to 5 local bricks-and-mortar sustainable stores in their area, and ask an employee or owner to put up the flyer so customers could learn more and sign up for PGC. We asked them to take pictures of PGC flyers “in the wild” to post on our social media, and have the PDFs on the Turning Green website, so anyone can download and participate in the PGC Local Blitz!

The second campaign was sun-focused with our partner, Acure, to educate our followers about sun safety and best in class products. It turned out better than we could have imagined, because of brainstorming by the Communications team and photos and videos they ideated, captured and curated. We created and shared imagery and infographics in this blog roundup and on @TurningGreenOrg. Not only that, but now I have sunscreen that I wear everyday and am obsessed with! I am incredibly grateful to be part of our team and connect with brands that I love who care as much about the environment as I do.


The third campaign was the Ultimate Green Back to School List.
I realized how non-green the products I used in college were, and how I wish I knew then what I know now about shopping responsibly. Since Turning Green partners have a myriad of sustainable products, I knew we could put together a list to share widely and a starter kit to send to one lucky winner. We created powerful visual graphics, downloadable resources, and a giveaway to show people that sustainable products can be stellar, effective and affordable! We’re excited to see the effects this has on college students for back-to-school and going forward!

I never thought I would be creating and seeing campaigns through when I came to intern for Turning Green, especially since I was an Environmental Science and Psychology major in college, not Business. But everyone encouraged me to take on the challenge in new territory, assisted me in the process, gave me wings, and helped me find my voice. Now I’m wholeheartedly aware that no matter who you are, where you come from, or what you know, courage, passion, and the willingness to try is what makes dreams come true.  

It has been a humbling, eye-opening, challenging, educational, and exciting experience to intern at Turning Green, and I wish I could relive it again. I have met the most incredible people all working towards a more just, healthy, equal planet and environment, and for that, I am eternally grateful. Thank you for existing, Turning Green, and for believing in the next generation.



  • Meredith Epstein

    Meredith graduated from Stony Brook University in May 2021 where she studied Environmental Studies and Psychology. She has always been passionate about the environment and influencing the people around her to practice sustainability in their everyday lives. She is thrilled to be an intern at Turning Green, and is very excited to see how this experience will shape her future in environmental work! She loves to travel, and her dream is to live in as many countries as possible during her lifetime, all while advocating and educating others about how to live an environmentally-conscious lifestyle. Some of her favorite things to do are travel, cook plant-based meals, go on nature hikes, continue to learn about the environment, and read Harry Potter, Nicholas Sparks, and John Green books!