Dr. Jessica Shade

Dr. Jessica Shade

Redwood City, CA, U.S.A. Dr. Shade is the Director of Science Programs at The Organic Center where she directs projects associated with communicating and conducting research related to organic agriculture. During her tenure at The Organic Center, Dr. Shade has collaborated on diverse research programs ranging from applied solutions to on-farm challenges to methods for improving the environmental impacts of agriculture. Some of her most recent...

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Debbie Raphael

Debbie Raphael

San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.  Debbie Raphael is the Director of the San Francisco Department of the Environment and believes that cities can take bold action to address environmental harm. A scientist by training and public servant by profession, Debbie has spent most of her career working in government to ensure that everyone has an equal right to a safe and healthy environment. As Director, Debbie leads the City’s efforts to address climate...

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Chef Kabui

Chef Kabui

North Carolina, U.S.A. Njathi Kabui is a Chef with a passion for Food Justice, a Leading expert in Food Literacy, a Medical Anthropologist, and an Organic farmer. He is actively involved in promoting food literacy as a Public Speaker, Writer, and Social Commentator. Chef Kabui appears regularly on one of the most popular radio stations that broadcast in his local language in Kenya as well as in international media. Chef Kabui has literally...

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Aran Baker

Aran Baker

Boulder, CO, U.S.A Aran is a service designer, researcher, and strategist passionate about the role of design in tackling climate change and creating greater access to services, technology, and information. She is also an IDEO Civic Design Fellow. Aran has an MS in Design and Urban Ecologies from Parsons School of Design, and an MFA in Graphic Design from the Academy of Art University. She taught sustainable design at Parsons School of Design,...

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Beth Rattner

Beth Rattner

Executive Director of the Biomimicry Institute ~ Mill Valley, CA, U.S.A. Beth Rattner has been working in sustainability since 2000 and is currently the executive director of the Biomimicry Institute. The Institute brings the practice of bioinspired design to hundreds of thousands of people a year through its education and entrepreneurship programs. Beth speaks publicly on how biomimetic design of human products and systems can restore our...

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